Plastic card design

Free plastic card design service
Simply email us the text for front & rear
and other info like logo, photo to be added to the artwork.
We can design a card according to your request
and give you suggestions for more options. Our designer will update artwork according to your ideas untill you are totally satisfied. |
Plastic card templates:
If you choose to not take advantage of our free design services, but design the artwork on your own, please follow the guidelines specified and download the templates below:

Plastic card tempalte
Click here for more downloadable templates designed by |
Plastic card artwork specifications:
ADOBE PHOTOSHOP > Preferably supply as layered .PSD file. Alternatively in JPEG, EPS, or Tiff format.
QUARKXPRESS 6.5 > All artwok to be supplied in Quark with all document images and fonts collected for output.
ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR CS2 > Save as Illustrator EPS file. Include all embedded images & fonts or alternatively convert all text/fonts to curves/outlines.
FREEHAND 10 > Save as Freehand EPS file. Include all embedded images & fonts or alternatively convert all text/fonts to curves/outlines.
ADOBE IN DESIGN > Save as In Design EPS file. Include all embedded images & fonts or alternatively convert all text/fonts to curves/outlines.
ADOBE ACROBAT PDF > Save as .PDF file. Include all embedded images & fonts or alternatively convert all text/fonts to curves/outlines.
MATCHING COLOURS > It is essential that you make us aware of any important colours before we go to print in order to match more accurately. It is not always possible to match Pantone colours using CYMK printers. If no colour reference is provided we have no idea what your colours should look like and can only print direct from disk. If the colour is critical, you must notify us prior to print.
IMAGE RESOLUTION > When creating or scanning artwork for printing you must ensure that the resolution is high enough to produce the desired results. Final resolution of images should not be less than 150dpi @ 100% of final output size. When creating artwork it needs to be at 25%, but check that the resolutions are sufficient to be increased to 400%. This will avoid any pixelation of the image due to low resolution files. Please do not convert a low resolution image to a higher resolution, quality will decrease often dramatically. This will result in a poor quality image. All images should be in CYMK format. If any Pantone colours are used please supply us with the Pantone reference number.
Plastic card design example:

Plasticcard artwork BEFORE printing

Plasticcard photo AFTER printing